Thursday, April 18, 2013

Progress/ Love conquers all

      Well.........After countless desires & attempts to remember to post another blog, here I am almost one year later. There have been so many changes so i'll do my best to remember everything that's been a major event in my life up until now. I guess to start, the temple in Honduras where I was able to work in and help with the decorative painting and gold leafing is finally finished and dedicated! It's such a blessing to know I was able to participate in something eternal. I'll never forget it and I know there are so many members that are taking full advantage of the blessings that the House of the Lord has to offer them. 
      So, since I finished working in Honduras I have returned back home to good ol' Norco for the time being. I still plan on going back up to Utah, but most likely once I attain my associate degree. I'm at Santiago Canyon College currently and taking as many classes as I can with work keeping me busy and a recently new hospital internship as well. My hands feel a bit full at times but I know that I need to prepare myself for what's ahead.....Medical School. I have a ways to go in regards to my study habits and being able to stay focused on one thing for an extended period of time. I'm actually taking a break right now from studying for my exam with the internship as I type....
      So, since school and work has taken up most of my life I get consumed by what I learn. My philosophy class has become more and more interesting as time goes by in this semester. It really has opened my eyes to critical thinking and really exploring the mind and what surrounds us. It's only a matter of applying everything you learn, which is definitely easier said than done. Things seem so motivating at the moment, with such a promising insight that moves you to think in that moment that you will change for the better, that you'll be making a more conscious effort to participate in things that would make you a better human being. But, before you know it you're on your way back home school and countless people don't use a blinker on the freeway, which causes me to forget whatever it was I had been thinking about earlier. It's probably the one thing that causes me to have any type of road rage. 
      There's a constant battle I always have with myself- being able to maintain a constant motivation for one particular thing. That's why i'm grateful for the gospel, it's the one thing that I know can always help keep me focused. That is, when I decide to be obedient and rely more on it. Lately, I really don't feel like i've been doing as much as I could and while being caught up with everything that's been keeping me so busy i've forgotten to keep things simple. That's what the Atonement is for, to help us improve in all aspects and repent of our shortcomings. 
     So, the other day I was wishing a good friend happy birthday via text because I know how busy he is with school(we always play phone tag). This is how the rest of the conversation went. He'll remain nameless.
(After wishing him happy birthday)
Him: Thanks Cody Holmes! Indeed we need to catch up, once i'm finished with this horrible finals week we shall!

Me: Sounds like a plan! Count on me being there for la boda in August!

Him:Cody, you are such a great individual. I tell Chelsea all the time how much you care about people.

 Me: You're gonna make me blush haha. I only care for those I love.

 Him: And you love everyone because you have a huge heart.

Okay, this made me feel like a million bucks. I don't agree 100% with him because I know of some people I don't necessarily care for or love.....but it made me realize that the love we show others really does go noticed. With all of the recent problems with humanity I feel its time to start expressing how we feel with others on a daily basis. One act of love can go a long ways and effect someone's life immensely. So spread the love y'all. I know I want to make an effort to do this more often. It may be embarrassing, it may seem stupid, but I know it's worth it. So be daring for a day, a week, a month, however long you want. Just make sure someone you love knows how you feel about them. 

  I think i'm done with this epistle. To those who've taken the time to read all of this, I appreciate the 10 minutes or more you've taken out of your day haha. Maybe if I wrote more often I wouldn't ramble so much.